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  • 123814
  • 24:51
  • 6 day ago

Emo- Regional erakorralized meditsiini keskus due to X-corpus (EMO). Abivajajatel tuleb erakorralise arstiabi saamiseks siseneda haiglahoonesse Lastehaigla poolt. EMO .... . Erakorralise meditsiini osakond (EMO) Naistekliinik; Lastekliinik; Kõrvakliinik; Silmakliinik; Stomatoloogia kliinik; Psühhiaatriakliinik; .... The word emo has been both adopted and rejected by some groups supposedly fitting into this genre, so it is a very .... noun. ˈē-(ˌ)mō. : a style of rock music influenced by punk rock and featuring introspective and emotionally charged lyrics. In emo, the heart hurts forever and is ultra-introverted .... Emo is an acronym for emocore, a guitar-based rock music genre with emotional lyrics. It also means a fan or style of this music, or someone who is overly sensitive or emotional. Emo is a subculture centered around music. It has a longer history than scenes and deals with emotions, self-expression and self-discovery. Being emo means that you understand your roots, that you listen to ..... Emomuusika põhitunnuseks on poolenisti karjuv, enamasti väga emotsionaalne vokaal ja meloodilisus, mida saadb hästi kombineeritud kiire trummitagumine. Tihtipeale on .... Emo is short for "emotional" and categorizes a dark, moody style and way of life. If you're feeling sad or anxious, you can help by answering these personality questions on .... EMO is an intelligent and adorable robot pet that can explore, react, communicate and learn. It has personality, emotions, expressions and movements. It can play music, play games, check .....

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